Committing 10k+ files to a branch you haven’t heard of (or even main/master)? The tutorial can work for other tools using git as well. Do you see a list of changes in Visual Studio Code Source Control? A list of changes that don’t seem familiar to you, like below? Directories, git, source control and unknown … Continue reading FIX: VSC source control show unknown files to commit to branch
Tag: Git
FIX: Files in my Git gitignore are still available in the repository
Why are the files still available in my Azure DevOps repository that I added to my gitignore? Most times this occurs, because files that have already been added to a repository and committed will not be ignored by gitignore rules. PS: For most PowerShellers among us who are not used to the difference between a … Continue reading FIX: Files in my Git gitignore are still available in the repository
FIX: Clone repository to Visual Studio Code does nothing
Git Repository In this tutorial I assume that you have installed Visual Studio Code (or another editor). If not, try installing Visual Studio Code first. It doesn’t matter what repository you use. In my example, I’m talking about Azure DevOps, but it might as well be about Github. I will go through the steps first … Continue reading FIX: Clone repository to Visual Studio Code does nothing