How to fix Microsoft Store ‘Try that again’ Code: 0x00000190 by Bas Wijdenes

Try that again. Something happened on our end and we couldn’t sign you in. Code: 0x00000190. This is not a post with several solutions.There are a lot of posts on the internet about this error message, but usually it are workarounds or temporarily fixes. I’ve found the solution on the internet that worked for me. … Continue reading How to fix Microsoft Store ‘Try that again’ Code: 0x00000190 by Bas Wijdenes

How to keep windows keyboard from changing languages on it’s own by Bas Wijdenes

Let’s keep your windows language only one language. The tutorial is divided into 3 steps. Change the language to the correct language, and remove other languages. If your language still changes we will go through the settings. How can we prevent the language from being adjusted? Change the language to the correct language, and remove … Continue reading How to keep windows keyboard from changing languages on it’s own by Bas Wijdenes

Disable PowerShell for users in Exchange by Bas Wijdenes

Regular users can run PowerShell commands on their own Mailbox I recently found out that PowerShell is enabled by default for all users in Exchange Online including the normal user mailbox. There was a user who had been hacked, and the hacker had placed a forward in the mailbox via PowerShell, but well about this … Continue reading Disable PowerShell for users in Exchange by Bas Wijdenes

FIX: Back up your file encryption certificate and key by Bas Wijdenes

Bitlocker or Encrypted File System (EFS)? I got the error message “Back up your file encryption certificate and key” out of nowhere. Strange, I use Bitlocker and I think OneDrive for Business uses Encrypted File System (EFS) in Windows. If this is necessary, why have not I seen this message before? After some Googling, I … Continue reading FIX: Back up your file encryption certificate and key by Bas Wijdenes

FIX: Error launching Android Studio No JVM installation found

Android Studio and Java Virtual Machine, the basics. JVM means Java Virtual Machine and it can be used to execute certain codes in type bytecode JVM then converts this to other values. As a developer you do not have to develop a custom script to do this.During the testing of one of my applications, I … Continue reading FIX: Error launching Android Studio No JVM installation found

FIX: PANIC: HOME is defined but could not find Emulator file in $HOME\.android\avd

Android Studio and Emulators. I try to occasionally make my own app in Android Studio to earn some extra money, unfortunately this has not been successful yet and I probably missed the train nowadays. I wanted to try one of my Android applications on an emulator, but I got the following error message: An emulator … Continue reading FIX: PANIC: HOME is defined but could not find Emulator file in $HOME\.android\avd

FIX: DX11 feature level 11.0 is required to run the engine by Bas Wijdenes

Intro I keep the intro short, because I think the tutorial is more important.I chose Fortnite as an example, but this solution can also work for other games.This tutorial is about error message: “DX11 feature level 11.0 is required to run the engine” Let’s fix “DX11 feature level 11.0 is required to run the engine“. … Continue reading FIX: DX11 feature level 11.0 is required to run the engine by Bas Wijdenes

How to convert .pfx certificates to .crt including the private key in Kali Linux

Intro I keep the intro short because I think the tutorial is more important. If you want to know more about how I got this, you can read this at the bottom in the summary. In this tutorial I’ll explain how to convert .pfx certificates to .crt certificates including the private key. Let’s convert a … Continue reading How to convert .pfx certificates to .crt including the private key in Kali Linux