How to download a file from an Azure Storage Blob PowerShell

Download a file from Storage Blobs with Rest API’s and PowerShell We are setting up a completely new Azure Automation environment for a new customer. This is all done through Azure DevOps CI/CD. Static files such as an html or zip file are no longer on an on-premise server, but from now on in an … Continue reading How to download a file from an Azure Storage Blob PowerShell

How to upload a file to an Azure Storage Blob PowerShell

Upload files to A storage blob using powerShell We are configuring an Azure Automation environment. This is all done through Azure DevOps CI/CD. We won’t use a static files server for files like html content or zip files, but we will upload them to an Azure Storage Blob instead. We been working on uploading files … Continue reading How to upload a file to an Azure Storage Blob PowerShell