…Or it contains an error: 0x000007b Igd stands for Intel Graphic driver. This driver is for your display adaptor. Let’s fix igd9dxva64.dll error: 0x000007b Go to Start Search and open Device Manager Open the tab Display Adaptors Right click the Intel driver Here you’ve got two options, you can first try to update the device, … Continue reading FIX: igd9dxva64.dll is either not designed to run on Windows…
Month: February 2021
A summary about Optimized.Aza PowerShell module for Azure REST API
Optimized.Mga > Optimized.Aza? WARNING: The module is still under construction. Please leave feedback @ Github or in a comment below the post. No it’s not a new name, but a new module. The module is a copy of the main cmdlets from Optimized.Mga though. It will take care of your OauthToken and Throttling. For direct … Continue reading A summary about Optimized.Aza PowerShell module for Azure REST API
Delegated permissions with a Client Secret by adding roles to a Service principal
AzureAD Apps & Service Principals Within Azure AD you have App Registrations. You can do a lot with App Registrations. I mainly use it for automating tasks. Application or Delegated Permissions? A big disadvantage is that you cannot always choose Application Permissions with API Permissions. Here you can only choose Delegated Permissions. For example, the … Continue reading Delegated permissions with a Client Secret by adding roles to a Service principal