How to import a custom PS module in a VM or Azure Automation

Keep your PowerShell modules updated! We will do all of this with Azure Automation and PowerShell, you can also do this in a ci / cd pipeline, but that’s up to you. Disclaimer: Everything will be simplified, these are steps you can follow, but you must modify before it works in your own environment. What … Continue reading How to import a custom PS module in a VM or Azure Automation

How to find an AppReg name without access to Azure Active Directory

Why isn’t a Service Connection name, the AppRegistration name in Azure Active Directory? I came across this by chance in the Azure DevOps portal. I couldn’t find the AppReg (ServicePrincipalName) without access to AzureAD. To get immediate help, I refer you to one of these sections: My intro In a YAML pipeline we use a … Continue reading How to find an AppReg name without access to Azure Active Directory

How to download a file from an Azure Storage Blob PowerShell

Download a file from Storage Blobs with Rest API’s and PowerShell We are setting up a completely new Azure Automation environment for a new customer. This is all done through Azure DevOps CI/CD. Static files such as an html or zip file are no longer on an on-premise server, but from now on in an … Continue reading How to download a file from an Azure Storage Blob PowerShell

How to upload a file to an Azure Storage Blob PowerShell

Upload files to A storage blob using powerShell We are configuring an Azure Automation environment. This is all done through Azure DevOps CI/CD. We won’t use a static files server for files like html content or zip files, but we will upload them to an Azure Storage Blob instead. We been working on uploading files … Continue reading How to upload a file to an Azure Storage Blob PowerShell

FIX: Desktop Power BI shows no content after you ‘Get Data’

Where is my content? As already described in my previous post, I don’t work much with PowerBI. I am an infrastructure engineer myself and can therefore write data to an Azure Storage Table or similar, but I do not do the further layout in PowerBI. What sometimes happen is that customers ask if I can … Continue reading FIX: Desktop Power BI shows no content after you ‘Get Data’

FIX: The account URL shouldn’t have query parameters or path parts

Unable to connect? If you create a PowerShell script, or perhaps another script that you use to create an output that is then stored in a storage, you do not want to display this output in a .CSV file, but in a tool such as Microsoft PowerBI. Do you recognize this? Then you probably recognize … Continue reading FIX: The account URL shouldn’t have query parameters or path parts