Shared mailboxes receive a maximum of 50Gb when no license is assigned Microsoft has always said that a shared mailbox can be up to 50Gb unless you have assigned a license.This is not the case in most tenants and this has always been tolerated by Microsoft.Now they are really going to force this by capping … Continue reading See which shared mailboxes are above 50Gb in Exchange Online
Month: September 2018
FIX: You are running the system-wide installation of Code Visual Studio by Bas Wijdenes
Make sure you’re running the Code version you expect! I opened Visual Studio Code and I was surprised with the following error message: Visual Studio Code had been updated the day before, so maybe that’s why?I have no idea what the difference is between the user-wide and system-wide version. One of the two will be … Continue reading FIX: You are running the system-wide installation of Code Visual Studio by Bas Wijdenes
FIX: An error occured trying to connect the WSUS server by Bas Wijdenes
WSUS, the basics. During the weekend I updated all the servers at the customer. I expected everything to have gone well. On Monday morning I came to the office and found out that I had not updated the WSUS server itself.I then logged onto the server and then received this error message: Strange, because I … Continue reading FIX: An error occured trying to connect the WSUS server by Bas Wijdenes
FIX: HRESULT 0xc8000222 .Net Framework by Bas Wijdenes
“HRESULT 0xc8000222” and .NET Framework. I do not have much to say about this subject. I saw this passing by at about installing .Net Framework and I wanted to make it a more extensive tutorial.The error message you get is: “Installation Did Not Succeed .Net Framework 4.5 has not been installed because: HRESULT 0XC8000222″ Let’s … Continue reading FIX: HRESULT 0xc8000222 .Net Framework by Bas Wijdenes