Why are there Disqus comments on pages with ‘Allow Comments’ disabled? You have unchecked ‘Allow Comments’, and yet the Disqus comments will appear on your pages where you don’t want them. How frustrating. You will still see the Disqus comments because there are ping-backs to your website. These can be self-ping-backs, but these can also … Continue reading Hide Disqus from pages in WordPress by Bas Wijdenes
Tag: Disqus
How to customize Disqus with the Twenty Fifteen theme
Disqus in WordPress. I used to have the Disqus plugin on my blog, but nowadays I prefer the WordPress builtin comments. Disqus is a service for web comments and discussions. Disqus makes commenting easier and more interactive, while connecting websites and commenters across a thriving discussion community. The Disqus for WordPress plugin seamlessly integrates using the … Continue reading How to customize Disqus with the Twenty Fifteen theme