“Hyper-V cannot be installed: The processor does not have the required virtualization capabilities.”, but does it really not? Installing Hyper-v in Virtualbox is of course not recommended. You are going to use a virtualization tool and then use another layer of virtualization. For test purposes or just because you can, is it of course possible. … Continue reading Hyper-v in VirtualBox by Bas Wijdenes
Tag: VirtualBox
Install Windows 10 in VirtualBox by Bas Wijdenes
Setting up Windows in VirtualBox. I started looking at this blog post again and its content is still relevant. In this tutorial I explain how to install Windows 10 or earlier versions in VirtualBox. VirtualBox is a virtualization tool to run virtual machines from Windows to another OS on your local Device. For more about … Continue reading Install Windows 10 in VirtualBox by Bas Wijdenes
How to install Android in VirtualBox By Bas Wijdenes
Running Android in VirtualBox. In this blog post I explain how you can install Android in VirtualBox. If you have Windows 10 Pro or higher, you can also use a built-in Windows Feature Hyper-v. I also wrote a blog post for Android in Hyper-V. If you do not have Windows 10 Pro, you can use … Continue reading How to install Android in VirtualBox By Bas Wijdenes
How to install a virtual machine in VirtualBox by Bas Wijdenes
This post is used for: How to install Android in VirtualBox. Install Windows 10 in VirtualBox by Bas Wijdenes. In this blog post I will explain how to install VirtualBox and a Virtual Machine in VirtualBox. In this blog post I explain how you can install a Virtual Machine in VirtualBox. If you have Windows … Continue reading How to install a virtual machine in VirtualBox by Bas Wijdenes