Why isn’t a Service Connection name, the AppRegistration name in Azure Active Directory? I came across this by chance in the Azure DevOps portal. I couldn’t find the AppReg (ServicePrincipalName) without access to AzureAD. To get immediate help, I refer you to one of these sections: My intro In a YAML pipeline we use a … Continue reading How to find an AppReg name without access to Azure Active Directory
Month: April 2022
FIX: Install-Package: Access to the cloud file is denied PowerShell
‘Access to the cloud file is denied‘ while installing a PowerShell module? The error ‘Access to the cloud file is denied‘ makes you think it’s the PowerShell Gallery, but it’s probably your OneDrive and the location of your $env:PSModulepath and then probably including the -Scope CurrentUser parameter and variable. There are several things you can … Continue reading FIX: Install-Package: Access to the cloud file is denied PowerShell