

If you want to contact me because a tutorial is not the solution, you can leave a comment under the tutorial itself.

I ignore tech-support questions over the mail.


Sorry, I know it sounds harsh, but…
In the past I have helped others over the mail and usually took over their device remotely and sometimes it took me up to 2-3 hours before I solved it.

I do not want to spend so much time per individual.
I do not get the satisfaction as I do with writing tutorials.

The tutorials are what I have, and if these do not resolve your issue, you can leave a comment and then I see if I or someone else has a solution for you.

When can I contact you?

You may contact me for the following topics.

Guest posting

Here are some ideas about which you could post guest on.

  • Have you encountered an error message yourself and have you solved this?
  • Did you create a creative PowerShell script where you would like to give a little more explanation on?
  • Is there a new (tech)product or topic you want to share information about?

You can publish it on my blog, with your own authoring at the bottom of the post.


Do you have a subject that I have not yet mentioned? Feel free to contact me.


Contact me @ Linkedin.