Hyper-v in VirtualBox by Bas Wijdenes

“Hyper-V cannot be installed: The processor does not have the required virtualization capabilities.”, but does it really not? Installing Hyper-v in Virtualbox is of course not recommended. You are going to use a virtualization tool and then use another layer of virtualization. For test purposes or just because you can, is it of course possible. … Continue reading Hyper-v in VirtualBox by Bas Wijdenes

FIX: An error occurred while accessing the Office Document Cache

“Microsoft office upload center found a problem while accessing the Microsoft office document cache” the basics. It may happen that when you upload a Microsoft Office file you receive an error message that your Microsoft Upload Center has an error with the Office Document Cache. The Upload Center indicates in the error message that you … Continue reading FIX: An error occurred while accessing the Office Document Cache

FIX: Cannot localize the default folders by Bas Wijdenes

“The localization operation of the default folders of mailbox failed:Cannot localize the default folders.” the basics. This post actually dates from November 3, 2015. I have made such adjustments that I have re-published the post. It may happen that when you change the default folder names in Outlook or OWA, you get an error message: … Continue reading FIX: Cannot localize the default folders by Bas Wijdenes

FIX: Laptop randomly goes to sleep by Bas Wijdenes

Laptop going to sleep while typing, introduction. I had a problem for months with my laptop going to sleep randomly. At first, I thought of a breadcrumb blocking a keyboard key or something like that. I tried to find a pattern that caused this. There were no strange error messages in the Event Viewer either. … Continue reading FIX: Laptop randomly goes to sleep by Bas Wijdenes

FIX: WinRM cannot complete the operation Windows Admin Center

“Connection Error” Windows Admin Center the basics. Windows Admin Center, previously Project Honolulu, is a fairly new product which is currently in Public Preview. It will be the new way of managing servers. With Windows Admin Center it is easier to just put Windows Core Servers only in your environment. Your helpdesk (system administrators) can then … Continue reading FIX: WinRM cannot complete the operation Windows Admin Center

FIX: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

“Could not connect to net.tcp://localhost:1500/policy” the basics. After all the hassle with ADFS and the WAP servers that had been on too long. I got this error message on top after a restart of the ADFS server. “TCP error code 10061: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it” This error message … Continue reading FIX: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

FIX: Install-WebApplicationProxy : An error occurred when attempting to establish a trust relationship

“An error occurred while attempting to establish a trust relationship with the Federation Server” the basics. I have 2 ADFS servers with 1 WAP server in my own developer environment. I had not switched on the servers for a while and apparently if you do not turn on your WAP server after more than 30 … Continue reading FIX: Install-WebApplicationProxy : An error occurred when attempting to establish a trust relationship

FIX: there’s a problem with the clipboard by Bas Wijdenes

There’s a problem with the clipboard, but you can still paste this content within this workbook. Excel and other Microsoft Office applications have their own clipboard function. Within Microsoft Office you can copy the formatting or paste it as plain text. Excel displays this message “There’s a problem with the clipboard, but you can still … Continue reading FIX: there’s a problem with the clipboard by Bas Wijdenes