Table of Contents
Where is my content?
As already described in my previous post, I don’t work much with PowerBI. I am an infrastructure engineer myself and can therefore write data to an Azure Storage Table or similar, but I do not do the further layout in PowerBI.
What sometimes happen is that customers ask if I can write the output and create the PowerBI in PowerBI Desktop so that they can then transform it into a nice dashboard.
I always run into several problems, and this is also a major frustration. Hence this blog post for the dummies among us.
Well, show me the output in Power BI then.
Well, this isn’t too difficult. After you have loaded the data you will not see any data.
Go to Edit Queries.
Select Edit Queries again.
And then choose Expand Content.
A ‘menu’ is then loaded on the right of your screen. These are the column parameters of your content.

Here you can select which columns you want to display in your Power BI.
Select OK.