Table of Contents
“The delegates Settings were not saved correctly” the basics.
In my last post I already talk about this error message: “You do not have permission to schedule Skype meetings on behalf of the owner”. In addition to the steps in the previous post, it may also be that the permissions are no longer working because of corrupt Outlook permissions.
You can get the same error message, only you can recognize corrupt Outlook delegates when you delete users at “Outlook Delegates” or just add them. The list is not updated. You will then receive this error message: “The delegates Settings were not saved correctly”
To remove the Corrupt Outlook delegates I have created a separate manual.
You could also try this post from Microsoft although it’s a little old. I do this through PowerShell myself.
Lets fix “The Delegates were not saved correctly” with PowerShell.
Install the “Microsoft Exchange Web Services Managed API 2.2” click here.
- Login to
- Go to Permissions
- Select Organization Management
- And add the ApplicationImpersonation role.
- Now go to Start and search for PowerShell. Preferable PowerShell_ISE.
- Login to Exchange online with PowerShell. For more about this, click here.
$cred365 = get-credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $cred365 -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session
Import-Module MSOnline
After you logged on, run the below command and don’t forget to change the admin account to your domain admin account.
$O365Cred = Get-Credential -credential [email protected]
Click Enter, A prompt appears to add the admin password.
Save Reset-Delegates.ps1 on the computer and run the next powershell command but with powershell pointed to the location where the ps1 is saved.
You can download the PowerShell script from here.
If you use the standard download folder this would be: C:\users\%username%\downloads
To open the folder path in PowerShell copy/paste and run this:
CD C:\Users\%username%\Downloads
- Run the next command:
.\Reset-Delegates.ps1 [email protected] -PurgeInvalidFreeBusy -impersonate -EWSURL "" -Username
$O365Cred.Username -Password $O365Cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password
Don’t forget to replace the username with your UserPrincipalName.
See anything that’s not correct, or do you have feedback for me? Please leave a comment.
If you you’re still getting the error: “You do not have permission to schedule Skype meetings on behalf of the owner“. Please review my previous blog post.
Thanks for your post. This script seems to be the easiest way to sort this error and avoids using the awful MFCMapi tool. However, any links to Reset-Delegates.ps1 on MSDN come to a dead end since it was migrated to Microsoft Docs.
Any chance of a working link to that script?
Thanks again.
I followed the steps but after running:
PS E:\Scripts\Reset-Delegates> .\Reset-Delegates.ps1 [email protected] -PurgeInvalidFreeBusy -impersonate -EWSURL “” -Username $O365Cred.Username -Password $O365Cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password -Verbose
Failed to locate EWS Managed API, cannot continue