FIX: File not found. Check the file name and try again. When you’re trying to save a file.

Is the tutorial for you?

To make sure that this tutorial solves your problem, I want to simulate the story.

You have opened a file in an application like Microsoft Word, Excel, or even notepad, and when you save this file you get the following error message:

“File not found. Check the file name and try again.”

If that is correct then the tutorial can be a solution for you.

Let’s fix: “File not found. Check the file name and try again.”

This is likely to be blocked by your Windows Defender Security Center.
It has a “Controlled Folder Access” option.
For more about these options, I refer you to the blog post from Microsoft.
Below I explain how to disable this option.

The tutorial consists of two parts. The first is a short tutorial without screenshots for the techies among us.
In the second tutorial I explain the same steps, but with screenshots for the dummies among us.

Tutorial “File not found. Check the file name and try again.” in short.

Go to the start and click on the gearwheel on the left, or search for settings and open the application.
Then search for Controller Folder access.
Turn off Controlled folder access.

Tutorial “File not found. Check the file name and try again.” for dummies.

Go to start and click on the Gearwheel at the bottom in the left menu.
Or search for Settings and open the application.

File not found. Check the file name and try again.
File not found. Check the file name and try again.

Search for Windows Defender Security.
You can also search for Controlled Folder Access directly. The screenshots will show the exact location for Controlled Folder Access. Go to the last screenshot to follow the steps if you searched for Controlled Folder Access.

File not found. Check the file name and try again.
File not found. Check the file name and try again.

Click on Virus & threat protection.

File not found. Check the file name and try again.
File not found. Check the file name and try again.

Open Virus & threat protection settings.

File not found. Check the file name and try again.
File not found. Check the file name and try again.

Open Controlled Folder Access.

File not found. Check the file name and try again.
File not found. Check the file name and try again.

Turn Off Controlled Folder Access.

File not found. Check the file name and try again.
File not found. Check the file name and try again.


This post is from
I have expanded the existing tutorial with screenshots.

If you have questions regarding this topic, feel free to leave a comment.

Published by

Bas Wijdenes

My name is Bas Wijdenes and I work as a PowerShell DevOps Engineer. In my spare time I write about interesting stuff that I encounter during my work.

5 thoughts on “FIX: File not found. Check the file name and try again. When you’re trying to save a file.”

  1. Does it need a restart and if not it isn’t working. You can safe on D or on desktop and then copy/move it on C and then you can always get the changed file saved there. This way you stay safe from ransomware but if they do the same.


  3. This isn’t a fix. It happens even if you are authorized to save in the folder in question.

    Can someone get an actual fix together?

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