FIX: Netflix Error Code D7356 Windows 10

I just need some Netflix and chill..

Now, during the coronavirus pandemic, many more people work at home. This also causes them to work longer more often. This also happens to me, so it would be nice that Netflix works and does not show the following error message.

Pardon the interruption

Sorry, we’re having trouble with your request

| Error Code D7356

My solution was quite specific. So take a good look at what suits your situation.

Will your solution work for me?

Okay as I said, my solution was quite specific.
In short, it was because Microsoft Edge Beta used the integrated Graphics card.

I can adjust this in the NVIDIA Control Panel. With the list below you can see if this can solve your problem.

1I have the NVIDIA Control Panel installedYes
2I don’t know if I have the NVIDIA Control Panel installedYou can try
3I have a different VideocardYou can try
4I have only one videocardNo
FIX: Netflix Error Code D7356 Windows 10.

Let’s fix Netflix Error Code D7356 in Windows 10.

Go to Start and search for Control Panel,

Search again, but for NVIDIA Control Panel this time.
If you don’t see the Panel, you do not have a NVIDIA videocard unfortunately.

Open the panel.

FIX: Pardon the interruption Sorry, we're having trouble with your request Error Code D7356
FIX: Pardon the interruption Sorry, we’re having trouble with your request Error Code D7356

Click on Manage 3D settings
Select the Program Settings tab as in the screenshot below.

FIX: Pardon the interruption Sorry, we're having trouble with your request Error Code D7356
FIX: Pardon the interruption Sorry, we’re having trouble with your request Error Code D7356

Select the drop down menu at 1. Select a program to customize.

Is your browser in that list? Then click on the browser. and continue with the next step.

If not, click on Add and search for your Browser.

Now, select your browser in the drop down menu and go to 2. Select the preferred graphics processor for this program.

It doesn’t matter which one it was on, just choose a different graphics card.

Restart your browser and try Netflix again.

Published by

Bas Wijdenes

My name is Bas Wijdenes and I work as a PowerShell DevOps Engineer. In my spare time I write about interesting stuff that I encounter during my work.

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