FIX: Parameter Preview is not a valid URL option for cmdlet New-ComplianceSearchAction

Security and compliance center in Office 365.

In my previous post I explain how to set the permissions for a content search in the Security and Compliance center in Office 365. Well, I got this error after setting my permissions.

“Parameter Preview is not a valid URL option for cmdlet New-ComplianceSearchAction.”

Parameter Preview is not a valid URL option for cmdlet New-ComplianceSearchAction.
Parameter Preview is not a valid URL option for cmdlet New-ComplianceSearchAction.

Have you just added the permissions and are you trying it right after? Then wait at least 2 hours and try again. It takes a while before the roles are added to your account.

With me it did not work after a few hours and I decided to test some things.

Let’s get you the right permissions to run New-ComplianceSearchAction.

You would expect that as an eDiscovery Administrator you have more rights, right?

When I open the Administrator rights, I also see all my colleagues as eDiscovery Administrator (Behind the red area in the screenshot).

This is true, just wait it out! It can take extremly long before you’re a eDiscovery Administrator.

Parameter Preview is not a valid URL option for cmdlet New-ComplianceSearchAction.
Parameter Preview is not a valid URL option for cmdlet New-ComplianceSearchAction.

The eDiscovery role is split into 2 groups:

  • Manager
  • Administrator

The big difference between these two is that a Manager can see the reports, and see who has access.

The Administrator can create eDiscovery reports.

Parameter Preview is not a valid URL option for cmdlet New-ComplianceSearchAction.
Parameter Preview is not a valid URL option for cmdlet New-ComplianceSearchAction.

The complete error message.

The complete error message for those who search for a different part of the error message.

Parameter Preview is not a valid URL option for cmdlet New-ComplianceSearchAction
Request: /api/ComplianceSearchAction
Status code: 500
Exception: System.ArgumentException
Diagnostic information: {Version:16.00.2682.006,Environment:WEUPROD,DeploymentId:7deb614ab723416aa8242d781f6fc114,InstanceId:WebRole_IN_1,SID:058401b2-961c-4cc2-ab86-5468e84cd160,CID:cbc4dfae-1509-4f5c-b561-b2b34d359cff}
Time: 2018-11-08T11:42:19.4062596Z

Published by

Bas Wijdenes

My name is Bas Wijdenes and I work as a PowerShell DevOps Engineer. In my spare time I write about interesting stuff that I encounter during my work.

One thought on “FIX: Parameter Preview is not a valid URL option for cmdlet New-ComplianceSearchAction”

  1. Hey,
    it just takes time until the rights apply. The difference between the two roles is that the Administrator can see its own searchings and cases, but also the ones made by the managers.

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