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The ‘Raw Markdown file’?
I published my first module in the PowerShell Gallery Repository.
I made areadme file on Github and saw that you could link a markdown file in the PowerShell Gallery via edit package, unfortunately I encountered this error:
Conversion of Markdown to HTML failed with ‘The Documentation URL must be a raw Markdown file hosted on GitHub. Parameter name: readMeMdUrl’.

I did not find anything on the internet, although the solution is not very difficult or anything.
Let’s link the markdown file on Github to the PowerShell Gallery!
The link you enter is not the raw markdown file hosted on Github, but probably the url to the Github main page.
Let’s use mine module as an example:
This is the main page for Optimized.Mga.
When you open the readme file, you’ll see the main page for the readme file.
Open your readme file and go to the upper-right corner and click on Raw as in the screenshot below to see the raw content.

That looks different doesn’t it?

Copy the Raw URL to the PowerShell Gallery.
Unfortunately I cannot show you an example as I exceeded the 8000 characters limit!
Thank you!