How to take an image from a website when right click is unavailable

Let’s grab them images by the… backend, this is a post for Windows users!

I use images from other websites on my blog. Usually, I download or copy the images and re-upload them on my blog.
I mainly do this with images where it is allowed under the Commercial and non-commercial purposes.

Why can’t I sometimes copy or save an image from a website?

Usually, I can do that by right clicking and then Copy image or Save image as, as in the image below.

How to take an image from a website when right click is unavailable
How to take an image from a website when right click is unavailable

It can also happen that the images are baked into the CSS, to keep it easy, CSS contains everything about the design of your website. For example, you can also give a div in HTML in CSS an image as background.

I’ll give this piece of text a background image and let’s see how it goes, probably barely readable, but who cares!

When I right click on the above I have no option to copy or save the image.

I’m going to show you how to download an image if it doesn’t have the copy or save options in the browser

Right click on the image area and select Inspect.

This opens the developer tools in your web browser and highlights the html attribute where the image should be (sometimes this can be different, but then you have to search a bit).

I copied it below:

 .imagediv {
background-image: url("");
<p class="imagediv">I’ll give this piece of text a background image and let’s see how it goes, probably barely readable, but who cares!</p>

As you can see there is a background image set with the relevant url.
Copy the url and then paste it in a new tab in your browser.

And now you can access the image again with the right mouse click and you have the options Save image as or Copy image again.

You should now know how to take an image from a website when right click is unavailable.

This is from Microsoft Answers

This post is from
I have expanded the existing tutorial with screenshots.

If you have questions regarding this topic, please go to the following page:
Why are you using forum posts from Microsoft Community?

How can i obtain the picture from the web in Edge – Microsoft Community

Published by

Bas Wijdenes

My name is Bas Wijdenes and I work as a PowerShell DevOps Engineer. In my spare time I write about interesting stuff that I encounter during my work.

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