How to import a custom PS module in a VM or Azure Automation

Keep your PowerShell modules updated! We will do all of this with Azure Automation and PowerShell, you can also do this in a ci / cd pipeline, but that’s up to you. Disclaimer: Everything will be simplified, these are steps you can follow, but you must modify before it works in your own environment. What … Continue reading How to import a custom PS module in a VM or Azure Automation

How to fix ‘CliXml’ in parameter input Azure Automation

Azure Automation, Start-AutomationRunbook, parameters, & CliXml… I’m not going to explain what Clixml is, or what it means, nor am I going to explain exactly why this issue is happening (mainly because I don’t have a clear answer for you). I’ll give you the solution and a possible way to make this easier for you. … Continue reading How to fix ‘CliXml’ in parameter input Azure Automation

How to move the navigation bar in Outlook back to the bottom

Why is my navigation bar to the left now, and now at the bottom anymore? You’ve probably enabled the ‘Try it now‘ option in Outlook and This cause the navigation bar to move to the left. Enabling this option will enable new features in Outlook earlier. These will be placed in a registry entry.When the … Continue reading How to move the navigation bar in Outlook back to the bottom

How to remove Byte-Order-Mark with PowerShell

Let’s get rid of special characters like , ÿþ, þÿ aka Byte-Order-Mark characters When reading Azure Storage Blobs, you regularly get the BOM bytes back with the content. As a result, you cannot format or convert json to an object, for example. A colleague of mine wrote a function for this in PowerShell. In my … Continue reading How to remove Byte-Order-Mark with PowerShell

July update 1 – Desired state configuration for the modern workplace

A week of Desired State Configuration (aka Configuration Drift) for Endpoint Manager This week is all about Desired State Configuration or Configuration Drift as it is called at Wortell.This week we start with the implementation of DSC for Endpoint Manager. As I understand it from the management at Wortell, no other companies are working on … Continue reading July update 1 – Desired state configuration for the modern workplace

June update 1 – Visual Studio Code and debugging

Starting with something new on my blog! I notice that my work is increasingly focusing on a smaller topic (PowerShell) and that I have less to blog about. I miss blogging, so I came up with the monthly updates.In these updates I want to give an insight into my work & share what I did … Continue reading June update 1 – Visual Studio Code and debugging

Report Mailbox and OneDrive Size in PowerShell via Microsoft Graph API

Report Mailbox sizes, OneDrive sizes, or all in one, with PowerShell and the MS Graph API In the tutorial below I explain how you can: In the blog post I use PowerShell and the Microsoft Graph API. I built my own modules around the API. I don’t use the official Microsoft PowerShell module. In the … Continue reading Report Mailbox and OneDrive Size in PowerShell via Microsoft Graph API

FIX: Install-Package: Access to the cloud file is denied PowerShell

‘Access to the cloud file is denied‘ while installing a PowerShell module? The error ‘Access to the cloud file is denied‘ makes you think it’s the PowerShell Gallery, but it’s probably your OneDrive and the location of your $env:PSModulepath and then probably including the -Scope CurrentUser parameter and variable. There are several things you can … Continue reading FIX: Install-Package: Access to the cloud file is denied PowerShell

How to use Azure Managed Identities with Graph API or other Resources

Microsoft (Graph) API’s or API permissions for Managed Identities But you can only add Azure RBAC roles to a Managed Identity, right? That’s not true, in the blog post below I explain how you can add resource permissions to a Managed Identity. In my work I mainly use this for Azure Automation. By using Managed … Continue reading How to use Azure Managed Identities with Graph API or other Resources

New PowerShell module for Microsoft Graph API reports

Azure AD & Microsoft 365 reports in a single module In my work we use a lot of Microsoft APIs, especially the Microsoft Graph API.Since the Graph API has many ways to optimize and change in bulk, I started with the Optimized.Mga module. Only thing I noticed was that I often made the same reports … Continue reading New PowerShell module for Microsoft Graph API reports