Table of Contents
First of all, the ZeeBizzCard Theme is not mine & it’s downloadable from the ZeeBizzCard Website here.
I used WordPress for my website because it’s easy to setup and very very easy to manage. I choose to create my Resume with the ZeeBizzCard Theme, because I needed an easy and quick resume.
To edit the theme itself go to ‘Appearance’ > ‘Theme Options’. Here you’ll have the next tabs: Welcome, General, Colors, Fonts, About me, Post Slider, & Social media. Well most of them speak for themselves of course.
WordPress ZeeBizzcard
What I found out about this theme is that it has some neat short codes. In the ‘About me’ tab you can fill in some personal information about yourself, but you’d like to have this information on your front end page. That’s possible with a short code: [‘cardAbout’] without the ‘.

Yes! It’s that easy! but yeah that’s the easiest one. The second one I’ve used in the ZeeBizzCard Theme is the experience short code. Just make sure you don’t forget a comma or =.
[cardResume jobtitle ="Order Picker" Company ="Spar Holding" date ="September 2006 - January 2014"][/cardResume]
The third and last I know of is the Skills short code. This is a creative one I like a lot because you can give your own skills a grade.
The short code is as following:
[cardSkill title="Networking" skill="four"] [/cardSkill]
You can give yourself 0 to 5 stars.
The End
Good luck with your Resume. If you do have any questions do not hesitate to contact me or leave a comment. If you’ve found some more short codes I’d love to know them!
When you switch theme (or use WPTouch as it is not mobile-friendly), the shortcodes stop working. Do you know what plugin can bring it back or what resources in the theme to export to my new theme?
You can’t, they are theme specific.