Table of Contents
But, why revert it back again?
The original name for my blog was Bas Wijdenes Tutorial Blog. It was hosted in a subdirectory baswijdenes/portfolio.
I started this without any further knowledge or where I wanted to go with the blog. I thought it would be fun to start writing tutorials on things I would run into on a daily basis.
What struck me then was that I mainly ran into problems in my work.
This is how the name Bas Wijdenes IT Blog was born. An IT related tutorial blog.
Then I found the domain name too long and I started looking for a domain that suited me better. sounded perfect! sounded perfect, but it sounded very formal. Especially when someone asked about my blog.
‘what’s the website name?‘…’B W I T dot blog‘. Doesn’t sound so good does it? And in the end the professionalization didn’t work out as well as I wanted.
This was partly due to a lack of time.
In the end I decided to go back to a more personal blog and fits better with that. And this time without the www or /portfolio.
Bas Wijdenes IT Blog or just Bas Wijdenes?
Yes, the IT Blog part will disappear and the name will remain with Bas Wijdenes.
Still, you will probably find Bas Wijdenes IT Blog somewhere on my website. I won’t adjust this like I did last time. Ultimately, the old content is what I will no longer update and therefore will not adjust to the new changes.
1 million users milestone
I have had over 1.1 million unique users on my blog!!
From February 15 2015 till now, that is around 450 active users per day.
200+ post milestone
I have reached another great milestone! I have about 200 posts on my blog!
Doesn’t sound like a lot, does it? But that’s one blog post around every 13 days.
And that over a time span of 2544 days!
MVP status
I won the Microsoft MVP award on January 1, 2022! And that because of my blog!
Great performance and great motivation to continue what I’m already doing.
I won the MVP award in category Cloud and Datacenter Management.

Cloud and Datacenter Management
New logo?
The old logo Bas Wijdenes IT Blog no longer suffices.

I’ve had the ‘new’ logo for a while and have been using it as a favicon for some time now. I think it can also be used as a logo for my blog.

Website statistics
Here are some quick stats from my website.
My blog is live since February 2015.
Total views:
Users: 1.133.563
Page views: 1.513.677
Blog posts:
Total blog posts: 201
Microsoft blog posts: 178
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