IMPORTANT NOTICE! This will also work when your bluetooth sound isn’t working as it should. For me, the sound sounded like it came from the loudspeaker of your phone. I wouldn’t be surprised if it worked for other devices as well. “That didn’t work. Make sure your Bluetooth device is still discoverable, then try again.” … Continue reading FIX: Beats by Dre can’t connect bluetooth to Windows.
Tag: Bluetooth
FIX: Bluetooth could not connect, try again later by Bas Wijdenes
Bluetooth could not connect, try again later the basics. Everyone has their fair share of problems with Bluetooth, including me. I ran into “Bluetooth could not connect, try again later” as well. After thoroughly searching the internet I found the solution that fixed it for me. I found the steps on Microsoft but these didn’t include … Continue reading FIX: Bluetooth could not connect, try again later by Bas Wijdenes