FIX: Your network administrator has applied a Group Policy that prevents installation

A Group Policy for Google Chrome on a personal device?

In this tutorial I will explain how you can solve the error message below.
for context, the error occurs when you try to install Google Chrome.

FIX: Your network administrator has applied a Group Policy that prevents installation.

Let’s fix ‘Your network administrator has applied a Group Policy that prevents installation‘.

There are two tutorials:

  • Fix for the techies among us.
  • Fix for the dummies among us including screenshots.

Both are about the same steps, but as the second already describes it contains screenshots.

Fix for the techies among us.

  • Go to Start
  • Search for Registry Editor
  • Copy and paste the following path:
  • Open REDG_DWORD: UpdateDefault
  • Change the value from 0 to 1
  • Click OK

If that didn’t work, try to remove the Update key completely.

Fix for the dummies among us including screenshots.

Go to Start and search for Registry Editor

FIX: Your network administrator has applied a Group Policy that prevents installation.
FIX: Your network administrator has applied a Group Policy that prevents installation.

Copy and paste the following path in the explorer:

FIX: Your network administrator has applied a Group Policy that prevents installation.
FIX: Your network administrator has applied a Group Policy that prevents installation.

Double click UpdateDefault and modify the 0 to 1.
Click OK.

FIX: Your network administrator has applied a Group Policy that prevents installation.
FIX: Your network administrator has applied a Group Policy that prevents installation.

Now try installing Google Chrome again.
If it still does not work, try to Delete the Update Registry Key.

FIX: Your network administrator has applied a Group Policy that prevents installation.
FIX: Your network administrator has applied a Group Policy that prevents installation.

This is from Microsoft Answers

This post is from
I have expanded the existing tutorial with screenshots.

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Published by

Bas Wijdenes

My name is Bas Wijdenes and I work as a PowerShell DevOps Engineer. In my spare time I write about interesting stuff that I encounter during my work.

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