How to use the Google Open Sans font in WordPress by Bas Wijdenes

Google web fonts in WordPress. Google has its own web fonts and one of these fonts is Open Sans. Personally, I think this is one of the most professional looks on the internet. I also like to use Google Open Sans on my WordPress sites. As usual, you can easily use the Open Sans font … Continue reading How to use the Google Open Sans font in WordPress by Bas Wijdenes

How to customize the default avatar in WordPress by Bas Wijdenes

Why can’t I customize the Avatar by default in WordPress? I have no idea why you can not change this by default. You would expect that there is an upload tool, or that you can make an image the default avatar image. There are different ways to use a different default Avatar in WordPress.For example, … Continue reading How to customize the default avatar in WordPress by Bas Wijdenes

How to install Android in VirtualBox By Bas Wijdenes

Running Android in VirtualBox. In this blog post I explain how you can install Android in VirtualBox. If you have Windows 10 Pro or higher, you can also use a built-in Windows Feature Hyper-v. I also wrote a blog post for Android in Hyper-V. If you do not have Windows 10 Pro, you can use … Continue reading How to install Android in VirtualBox By Bas Wijdenes

How to install a virtual machine in VirtualBox by Bas Wijdenes

This post is used for: How to install Android in VirtualBox. Install Windows 10 in VirtualBox by Bas Wijdenes. In this blog post I will explain how to install VirtualBox and a Virtual Machine in VirtualBox. In this blog post I explain how you can install a Virtual Machine in VirtualBox. If you have Windows … Continue reading How to install a virtual machine in VirtualBox by Bas Wijdenes

How to add an extra sidebar in WordPress by Bas Wijdenes

Introducing an extra sidebar in WordPress. In this blog post I explain how you can add an extra sidebar to a WordPress site. I used the Twenty Fifteen Theme from the WordPress developers myself in the blog post, but of course this also applies to other themes. I started looking at a second sidebar because … Continue reading How to add an extra sidebar in WordPress by Bas Wijdenes

How to remove WordPress self-pingbacks from your website

The technical steps first, then the explanation, We will remove WordPress ping backs with this tutorial. With this blog post I assume you have a Child theme, if you don’t please Google a Child theme in WordPress first. Open your child theme directory in an FTP tool such as FileZilla, or update the files directly … Continue reading How to remove WordPress self-pingbacks from your website

How to add a (2) footer widgets in the WordPress Twenty Fifteen theme

Let’s add a footer widget first in the WordPress Twenty Fifteen theme. There are several tutorials on the internet that add one footer widget that covers the entire width. I think that is a waste of most space. Why not divide the entire width into 2 widgets? The two widgets that I explain here are … Continue reading How to add a (2) footer widgets in the WordPress Twenty Fifteen theme

FIX: Foxit Reader does not allow connection to by Bas Wijdenes

Foxit Reader and Safe reading mode. The reason you get the error message “Foxit reader does not allow connection to ‘?” is because you have enabled Safe reading mode in Foxit Reader. This ensures that you cannot open links in pdf files opened with Foxit Reader, these links could in theory contain malware, or PDF … Continue reading FIX: Foxit Reader does not allow connection to by Bas Wijdenes

FIX: Open URL links in Adobe Reader PFD by Bas Wijdenes

Is Adobe reader protected mode on? Safe reading mode is a security mechanism in Adobe Reader for the user. When safe reading is enabled URL connections and attached PDFs with JavaScript functions or other type of injections cannot execute malicious attacks. However if you know that attachments and links aren’t malicious, and the PDF files … Continue reading FIX: Open URL links in Adobe Reader PFD by Bas Wijdenes

FIX: Chrome touch screen not working by Bas Wijdenes

Touch screen not compatible in Google Chrome. This problem was present when I had an Asus Transformer Book as a personal tablet. After the Windows 7 update to Windows 10, touch screen no longer worked in Google Chrome. Back then Chrome wasn’t designed for touch screens when installed on Windows devices. Because of this chrome … Continue reading FIX: Chrome touch screen not working by Bas Wijdenes